Reflecting the consumers’ desires and demands, retail eCommerce solutions are constantly evolving to keep up with the changing trends in commerce and business. Effective decision-making requires them to completely understand their target audience, technology shifts, competition, and potential markets. The four elements of Profitability, Payments, Productivity, and Personalization in the industry are increasing the need for expert guidance while making strategies.


This is where Quadrant knowledge solutions comes into the picture. We assist retail and eCommerce businesses with strategic technology research, market insight, opportunities, and consulting.

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We provide the latest intelligence to help you incorporate the best technology in your retail pricing, promotion, forecasting, assortment management, digital experiences, and all the other crucial aspects of your retail eCommerce solutions services. It covers detailed quantitative and qualitative information too, which serves as an effective guide for strategic planning. Our experienced analyst team will help you understand the mega trends and emerging business opportunities for your specific industry sector. It incorporates the latest technology developments, market trends, and best practices into your planning and strategies for the next generation of products and services.

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SPARK Matrix

Strategic Performance Assessment and Ranking

Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ SPARK Matrix provides a snapshot of the market positioning of the key market participants. SPARK Matrix representation provides a visual representation of market participants and provides strategic insights on how each supplier ranks related to their competitors, with respect to various performance parameters based on the category of technology excellence and customer impact.
SPARK Matrix