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The major technology disruptions to look for in 2022 & beyond

Our strategic research and consulting deliverable are designed to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights to our clients enabling them to achieve business transformation goals.


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Our strategic research and consulting deliverable are designed
to provide comprehensive information and strategic insights to
our clients enabling them to achieve business transformation goals.

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The Card and Payments Market is a dynamic sector undergoing a profound transformation, largely driven by digitalization and evolving consumer preferences. The rapid shift from traditional cash and

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Promise scholarships cover up to full college tuition for students who’ve attended New Haven Public Schools during some or all of their K-12 years, and the organization also provides scholarship recipients with advice, mentorship, career skill workshops, and connections to paid summer internships in New Haven — many of which are based at Yale.
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Perceptyx acquires Humu


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Perceptyx, the leading platform for employee listening and manager effectiveness, has announced its acquisition with Humu, a technology company known for using science based ‘nudges’ for enhancing business performance and driving a positive behavior change. While Perceptyx already established itself by helping large enterprises gather employee insights, the major challenge is to activate these insights and to drive action across organization.

Perceptyx aims to offer personalized nudges to leaders and employees and empowering the entire workforce to make positive changes & create a better work environment by integrating Humu’s behavior nudges into their People Insights Platform. They aim to improve both the employee experience and business results at every level by leveraging AI as the key to solving this challenge on a scale.

According to Minal Sonawane, Analyst at Quadrant Knowledge Solutions, “The partnership between Perceptyx and Humu would be a game changer in the domain of employee experience and organizational performance. By combining Humu’s behavior nudges with Perceptyx’s employee listening expertise, they offer a powerful solution to drive positive behavior change at all levels of the workforce and address the challenge of converting insights into effective action. This innovative approach of leveraging AI-powered technology enables leaders and employees to drive positive change across the entire workforce, fostering a culture of continuous engagement and improvement. This move has the potential to set a standard for organizations seeking to optimize employee experience.”

Author : Minal Sonawane Analyst at Quadrant Knowledge Solutions